Something That Interests Me

supernatural-renewedSomething that interests me is shows about the supernatural, an example is mythical creatures or fairy tales but in a twisted way which makes them exciting and amusing to watch. There is a lot of different shows like this out now a days my favourite two are supernatural and once upon a time. Both these shows have different perspectives on the supernatural and fairy tales in a Grimm type of way. Its a unique and gruesome way to show mythical creatures and fairy tales.

Supernatural I have been watching since I was in grade 8 and it is one of the my long time favourite shows definitely the one I’ve been watching the longest. I’ve been watching it so long because the acting in it is amazing and they talk about supernatural creatures of all sorts in it which I find really intriguing. Its about two brothers who have to find a demon who killed there Mom and they have to find him and kill him. They have been airing for eight seasons and have confirmed that there will be a 9th which makes it a show anyone who is into supernatural stuff should watch.

Once Upon A Time is about a girl who is snow whites daughter and the evil witch puts a curse on the fairytale land which makes all fairytale people have there own land on earth where there is no magic. The main character doesn’t know that she is snow whites daughter but her job is to make everyone believe who they really are and restore the magic back to the townsfolk. the only twist is that the mayor of the town is the evil witch who is the only one who remembers and she has to stop snow whites daughter from making snow white and prince charming remember who they are and restore them back to who they previously were. These are two amazing shows that I have seen every episode of and will continue watching till there finished.