Spring Break

Spring Break for Teenagers is a way to relax and just enjoy the time they get off of school. Spring break for us is to just forget about school for a week forget about our assignments forget about anything including our school and focus on having fun and doing crazy fun things enjoying ourselves.

The way that Spring Break is marketed to us is to go something that you wouldn’t do well you have school. Its advertised to go do something instead of sitting inside instead of doing homework or chores or work, You take a break away from all of that to go do something fun,crazy,wild, and enjoyable that you will remember. Its the one time you shouldn’t have to worry about any school work or anything just let go.

Everywhere we see whether it be on Television, Computer, Radio or billboards advertising for spring break is everywhere you go. Cruises put deals on so you go on  a cruise, Trips have special deals so you go on a trip and Train’s and Buses have special deals in case you would just like to get away for a bit. The companies know that it is your time off of school and you have free time so they know a lot of people will want to go places so the lower prices put more deals on just so that you will go that much more. They give you that little push that was holding you back from not going.

In all of this people do it to spend it with there friends and family and that’s what march break is really about. Its about forgetting school and work and just being with your friends and family having a good time. That is how companies market to us put deals on so we can go see them because they know that’s what we will do for march break.

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