Best marketing campaigns

My favorite marketing campaign was ” whats nicole wearing”. I really liked the this as it really spoke out and was a great way to get customers into the store to buy and it was just a great idea in general. It is a great way to get social media attention as her trying on clothes and whatever she is wearing is on sale in the store is a smart idea. I found this to be a great selling marketing strategy as customers will get to see what the clothes look like and if they already know what it looks like then when they go into the store they will already know what they want to buy. Everything about this marketing campaign made it the best one in my opinion.

Another one i personally really like was instastyle as i thought it was a great way to get out the store to customers and anyone who was interested in it. I liked it though as it is modern day technology and alot of students/kids or whoever may shop for clothes use intstagram and it is just a great way to get attention out about the store.

Every group was amazing and did a great job with there presentations. It is hard to stand infront of people and give a presentation especially people they dont know which they did with our class. They all had great ideas and thats what made this such a hard choice to pick two which i thought were the best.

Toronto Trip

On Friday April 5th Our IMC@SLC class took a field trip to Toronto to learn more about marketing. Some Second year students from marketing joined us on our journey to Toronto to learn about marketing. We ended up going to Dundas Square to start off the trip and we had an hour or so to do a scavenger hunt.

We then ended up going to Fuse marketing to learn more about what they do there and all the different types of marketing jobs that there are. We started of at fuse by talking to someone who actually graduated at SLC for marketing and she showed us around and everything that they do. After we finished looking around we went up to the conference room and she explained her job and we had two other people who worked there come in and talk to us about the job that they do. After that was all finished they gave us pizza and we ended up leaving for some free time before we went to Much Music.

After we had a little break we ended up going to much music were we got a tour of around there and we saw where the do there news we saw E-Talk we saw were space talk is aired it was a great experience. After we got a tour of all of that we ended up being on TV on Much Music VJ’s it was a great experience being there seeing how everything is done live and was a great trip. I learned a lot about marketing and now am 100% sure i don’t want to do marketing as a future career.

Being on TV was awesome i made some awesome faces and enjoyed it very much. It was a great experience and any class who is doing marketing should take this trip to learn about marketing and if its exactly for them.

What i took away from this trip was 1st of all i know i don’t want to do anything involving marketing. Marketing is not what i thought it was, i thought it was just sitting behind a desk but its way more then that. There is a lot of different types of marketing.


IMC@SLC is a marketing focus program that is taught at St Lawrence College. The high school part of the course is taught by Mr.Chamberlain and the college courses are taught by different professors each year, this year the professors that taught us were Dave,Jim and Lindsey.

Dave teaches us the computer part of the program. Teaching us how to use them properly and use the skills to make edits for videos. One of the main programs he has taught us how to use is Garage band which has a variety of different music on it so we can use for either our radio commercials or our commercials for the Greg award. He also taught us how to use I Movie which we can take clips from what we have shot with the camera and do whatever we want with them to make a video of our own.

Lindsey Teaches The straight marketing of the program. So far she has taught us what marketing means, she has introduced us to clients in which we have used our skills learned by all of the professors to make a radio commercial for Loyalist Cove Marina. Now were gonna use the skills she taught us for our videos in the Greg Awards.

Jim teaches us about what marketing is how it used to be used and how it is used now. What i have learned from Jim is that marketing has been used forever, and as technology evolves and we grow more advanced so will marketing. It used to just target us over television and signs but now its used on the computer, within the next couples years marketing will be used more on the computer then anywhere else.

Mr.c is the high school component of the program giving us our high school credits and assignments that focus on marketing. He helps if there’s any problems with the professors that we cant solve or in case we need extra time on a project or something like that. He is always there to help as long as you show your trying your hardest.

Spring Break

Spring Break for Teenagers is a way to relax and just enjoy the time they get off of school. Spring break for us is to just forget about school for a week forget about our assignments forget about anything including our school and focus on having fun and doing crazy fun things enjoying ourselves.

The way that Spring Break is marketed to us is to go something that you wouldn’t do well you have school. Its advertised to go do something instead of sitting inside instead of doing homework or chores or work, You take a break away from all of that to go do something fun,crazy,wild, and enjoyable that you will remember. Its the one time you shouldn’t have to worry about any school work or anything just let go.

Everywhere we see whether it be on Television, Computer, Radio or billboards advertising for spring break is everywhere you go. Cruises put deals on so you go on  a cruise, Trips have special deals so you go on a trip and Train’s and Buses have special deals in case you would just like to get away for a bit. The companies know that it is your time off of school and you have free time so they know a lot of people will want to go places so the lower prices put more deals on just so that you will go that much more. They give you that little push that was holding you back from not going.

In all of this people do it to spend it with there friends and family and that’s what march break is really about. Its about forgetting school and work and just being with your friends and family having a good time. That is how companies market to us put deals on so we can go see them because they know that’s what we will do for march break.

Radio station Field Trip

The Field Trip we took to the radio station’s was a great insight on how everything happens at a radio station and how different they can be to each other. It was a interesting field trip and i learned that both of the radio stations do things a lot differently from each other. I’m not interested into becoming anything to do with radio but it was still a great experience to go there and see what people who want to do something with the radio would have the chance to do if they ever got into the business.

I liked Amherst Island Radio station because it was little and they played music for people around Amherst island and the type of music that they liked. It was awesome that they actually get to pick what type of music they played. At the other radio Station we went to they didn’t get to pick what type of music was played and well that would kind of suck. As the guy at the Amherst island radio station can its nice it means when he comes into work he knows what music is going to play and that would make the job a lot better. I also liked that he did the job as a hobby since hes retired and that would be awesome to do if you where retired as a hobby.

I liked the other radio station as it played more of a variety of music and i personally enjoy a  variety of music instead of just a few kinds. I also liked how friendly everyone was there and how colourful the place was. It was honestly awesome how many colours there were there. Another thing is how the people act in real life is how they were on the radio and that’s how radio should be.

Television series ending with bad endings or when they shouldn’t

It grinds my gears when television series end when theirs so much more that they can do or it actually ends as a cliffhanger and they never make another season. This is one thing that pisses me off so much, they have done it to so many good shows that i watch. It just sucks because your getting right into the show its getting good you know your gonna continue watching it then there like nope were going to take it off of the air so you cant watch it anymore.

I know they take television shows off of the air because the actors are either greedy and want more money but they don’t want to pay them, they actors just don’t want to do it anymore, not enough people are watching the show or they think its time to move on to something else. It just really grinds my gears when this happens because the show is so good and you just really want to continue watching it and your ready for another and then they just end it without saying anything sometimes and its like ok so what the hell.

Its honestly the worst thing ever i find i get into watching it and bam it ended and your just like ok what do i do with my life now. A few shows that they’ve done this with is heroes and angel both were on the fifth season it ended with a cliffhanger to the next season coming out then at the last minute the cancelled it and leave you wanting more but nothing more is coming. I honestly just hate it ending i know I’ve used that word a lot but it just grinds my gears so much when a great television show with so much potential is on then they end it and it’s all gone.

Marketing to Teenagers

The way to market to teenagers is the stuff that’s being marketed has to have a great visual quality because personally as a guy that’s  a teenager a great marketing strategy that works people i know is the sales person has to know what hes talking about and be able to help if needed. A sales person is actually very important in selling to teenagers. We want to be treated right as a customer, have our questions answered and if we know a product that we want just let us buy it. I personally hate it when someone just keeps pestering me to buy something when i already know what i want to buy.

Another great marketing technique to use for teenagers is have deals, specials, promotional offers all of that will grab our attention quick and get us to be what we weren’t  even planning on buying in the first place. Clothes are not as much of a seller to guys as they are to girl as guys would rather buy video games or food. Having deals on anything that teenagers buy will make them more stuff because its appealing as they will get more.

Teenagers are very influential when it comes to buying things. So the better way that something they want to buy is featured it will make them want to buy it more. To feature It is how companies will sell it more to teenagers then adults as adults want it more for the quality as teenagers are more impressed by the feature of it. This means if a company wants to sell more to teenagers then they should feature it in a way it will draw teenagers in.

This is why marketing to teenagers is different then adults as there is a lot of different variables that factor in with marketing to each type of person. Guy teenagers interests are video games or sports as women’s are clothes shoes most of the time. Before you market something you have to know who you’re selling too.

My Opinion On Marketing And What Influences Me To Buy Stuff

There are a lot of different things that influence me to buy things. If its a movie or a game and i have played the prequel, then i want to play or watch the new one, The reason why i personally do this is because if the prequel was good then i wanna watch/play the new one. Another thing that influences me to buy things is if it looks tasty. If i see a commercial for a new sub or new burger somewhere I’m going to want to buy it and try it, or if a friend said it was good then I’m going to want to try it and find out for myself.

Im not influenced into buying clothes or stuff because well there just clothes and non brand clothes you can get way cheaper then brand clothes and the only difference is the brand logo on them. I personally wouldn’t pay out of my own pocket extra money just for a logo shirt when i know i can buy it somewhere else for cheaper if it just doesn’t have the logo. Only thing i’ll buy that is expensive and has a logo is shoes, the reason for this is they are actually for comfy then your Giant Tiger or Wall Mart pair of shoes and they last longer then them. I tried those shoes but they honestly suck and NIKE makes great shoes that last a long time and are comfy.

A lot of people are easily influenced by the media now a days since its everywhere its on TV,billboard,radio,computers,at school and at work anywhere you go something will be advertised because they know that if they advertise it enough people will see it and want to buy it, and if its good then they will come back and have a new customer.